Saturday, April 16, 2011

Looking Forward to this One

Well it's been... far too long since the last time I've posted here so I'm going to try to get back into the habit again.

Short story: I'm married, and have been since August 2010, work varies between satisfyingly challenging to insane, I have a pet cat named Doom, and I've barely had any time to do real hobby development work.

I'm going to keep things short so that I'm less likely to get overly lazy and stop posing for months at a time. I'm also not going to restrict my posts to anything in particular... beyond avoiding certain particulars of my job due to NDAs.

During work, I'll spend a smallish amount of time browsing the web. This helps to prevent me from going into mental vapor-lock and keeps me working faster than I would otherwise. I have a few sites I tend to go to that don't take much time to read, and relate just enough to what I'm doing that I don't switch out of the appropriate mindset for coding. One of these sites is the TIGsource blog. This is where I discovered a game that I'm very very excited to see. Hawken.

The game is a mech-sim like game with a pace more on the level of a classic multiplayer deathmatch. Either way, it's been far too long since I got a real fun mech game (years since I got Mechwarrior 4) and Hawken has a very nice feel based on the released gameplay footage. I also quite like its futuristic high tech shantytown setting. Hope the game turns out as awesome as it looks.

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