Sunday, January 31, 2010
Don't Worry, I'm Still Here
I'm busy as hell working at the final (though it will probably change still at this stage) game startup sequence. I've got things working nicely now and will have a more detailed update soon. The load sequence is somewhat interesting and I think worthy of a couple paragraphs on this humble blog... later.
I'm also busy with revamping, and hopefully near-finalizing, the network protocol for the game. I'm giving particular attention to the sequence of events and data transfers that occurs when a player first joins the game.
If you remember in a previous entry I mentioned how this was the most time-consuming part of an earlier sprint. Given some further (and much briefer thought) I've created a much improved process and am throwing away pretty much all of my old network code in favour of a new solution which should support all of the events that may occur in the final game. All of this I'll write about, in more detail, tomorrow.
Off topic for a second...
I was visiting my parents earlier today for some delicious chicken and potatoes. I also got to see a bit of my brother's new score in gaming. He's picked up a copy of X3: Terran Conflict. This was a game that I've been moderately interested in acquiring myself. Unfortunately I only got to see a bit of a tutorial mission which was mildly, but irritatingly, broken. My brother was piloting an unarmed freight ship but the instructor, inexplicably, was telling him to blow up debris containers despite being unarmed. Needless to say he had to abort the tutorial at this point... going without any remaining information that could have been provided.
I hung around for a few more minutes. What I saw implied a large, freeform game universe. I'm strongly reminded of EVE Online, Freelancer and/or (what I've heard of) Privateer. Sadly, I didn't get to see much more since my brother seemed more interested in reading about bread factories than exploring the world.
However, based on what I've seen I'll definately look to pick up a copy for myself some time. The best part is I don't have to worry about Starforce, SecurROM (sp?) or any other bullshit DRM. I can either get it through Steam or pick up a DRM-free box somewhere. Even if the game turns out to be less cool than I'm thinking it will I'll still be more than happy to support a developer who's willing to not include pseudo-malware in their products.
Saturday, January 16, 2010
Non-Trivial Custom ContentProcessor - Part 3
So today I'm writing another exciting edition on how I built my custom ContentProcessor for loading game objects. If you've just started reading this series you might want to check out the Introduction, Part 1 and Part 2 first.
When I left off in Part 2 I provided a snippet of code to convert an XML document tree into a set of custom class instances which the game can work with easily. These classes describe how to create a group of in-game entities that make up a starship or other object. However the game makes some assumptions about the data these classes contain which can (and must) be verified by the ContentProcessor.
- The group has a root entity. Its parent entity is undefined
- There is only one root entity
- Entities within the group are only related to eachother, not other groups
- Entity properties are valid (notice valid here isn't defined yet, stay tuned :)
If we don't ensure these assumptions are valid then Space Combat Sim will crash when using the processed content. So, the next step that happens is validation and occurs immidiately after all the repeated process shown in Part 2 is finished.
bool foundParentEntity, foundTopEntity = false;
foreach (Entity entity in Entities)
if (entity.ParentName == "")
foundTopEntity = true;
foundParentEntity = false;
foreach (Entity parent in Entities)
if (parent.Name == entity.ParentName)
foundParentEntity = true;
if (!foundParentEntity)
throw new ContentLoadException("Entity " + entity.Name + " references non-existant parent " + entity.ParentName);
if (!foundTopEntity)
throw new ContentLoadException("Group has no top-level (blank parent) entity!");
So, what does this mess do? It verifies that two of the four conditions are true. The outer loop's main purpose is to locate and flag that there is one root entity in the group. The inner loop ensures that every entity (besides the root) has a parent. After the loops is a check to verify that the root was indeed found.
Astute readers might notice a bug in the code above. Circular relationships, e.g. entity A is a child of entity B which is a child of entity A, are not prevented by this procedure. There are a couple ways of dealing with this. The simplest, and most evil, would be to recusively search for the root entity from a given entity. This causes a circular relationship to blow the stack and throw an exception. This can be prevented by making the recursive algorithm build a list of each entity visited as we go up toward the root. If an entity appears in the list more than once then a circular relationship exists. There are also non-recursive ways of doing the same thing which I'll leave as an exercize for the reader.
I decided to omit this step from the game since such errors are rare and are caught in the entity creation tool which you can see in my article on collision detection. Currently by crashing horribly, I'll fix that in the future.
Another apparent bug is the lack of testing for non-unique names and for multiple roots. These are both handled earlier. If you remember Part 2 the last part of loading an individual entity block from XML was a call to AddChildEntity.
foreach (Entity entity in Entities)
if (entity.ParentName.Length == 0 && parentName.Length == 0)
throw new ContentLoadException("Multiple top level (blank parent) entities found!");
if (entity.Name == name)
throw new ContentLoadException("Multiple instances of " + name + " found!");
if (entity.Name.Trim().Length == 0)
throw new ContentLoadException("Found nameless/whitespace named entity!");
The actual adding part has been omitted since it isn't that interesting.
With all of this taken care of we still have one item left to validate. The entity's creation parameters. In fact, I have yet to show you how they're loaded. In fact, this is because the main tradeoff is made for thoroughness of validation versus speed and flexibility of coding is made here.
Entities represent a wide range of object types in the game with wildly different rules. Simple objects include stuff such as hull sections which can do little besides be blown up. Others, such as weapons, are much more complex. Parameters are needed to define stuff like timing, positions, orientations and references to other game data. What's worse is that, at the time I was coding this loader, many properties had yet to be determined, stuff like sound effects and so on.
With all of that in mind I decided to err on the side of flexibility. The loader will accept all parameters and ensure that the XML data is valid for the type that is being used to fill the parameter. It will not check if the parameter is used by the game and also won't check if the parameter's type is what is needed by the game. I'll show you how I implemented this validation without adding an excess of validation code to the game itself in Part 4.
Saturday, January 9, 2010
Particle Systems - Part 1
The Basics
One of the most fundamental visual effects in games is the particle system. At their simplest a particle system is a collection of objects which can each be described with a single vector quantity. Their position.Even these incredibly simple particles can be moderately versatile producing effects such as clouds, fog, plants and so on. Where particles really shine though is when they're allowed to change appearance over time. The simplest way of doing this is adding one more vector quantity to each particle's description, the particle's velocity. Once each frame we add the particle's velocity to its posision then draw it. This allows particles to simulate simple explosions, fires, smoke, bullets, sparks and so on. As well as clouds, fog and so on...
How? Just change the values that are assigned to position and velocity when the particles are created.

Several simple particle systems. From a previous game project of mine
In this example the blue bullets all launch from the same position but are assigned velocities that cause them to spray outward. The explosions are similar but the velocities point in all directions rather than just to the right. The smoke in the middle appars to drift behind the flame by being created slightly later and given a slower speed. This particular example has a few other variables for particles, namely colour and scale. This saves on art production since a the same clouds can be used for both smoke and fireballs.For Space Combat Sim
Relatively modern 3D hardware supports drawing particles quickly via what is known as point sprites. Instead of drawing a particle using a billboard, which requires four vertices, each particle only requires one vertex. This is great since we can pump out more particles with less data going between main memory and video memory. However this only gets us as far as drawing the very simple particles I mentioned in the beginning. What's worse is as we add variables to particles we increase the amount of data that needs to be sent to the graphics hardware quite rapidly. This gets even worse when varying a particle's properties over time... at least if we do it all on the CPU.
Besides the CPU computers and game consoles also come with another extremely powerful processor capable of chugging through obscene numbers of operations rapidly, the GPU, on the video hardware. This requires some rethinking of how we do some operations like repositioning particles since programming on a GPU is quite different from a general purpose CPU. The GPU is amazingly fast at doing floating point math and vector operations BUT it adds the caveat that changing input data (i.e. changing the vertices that have been passed from the CPU) isn't feasible. I won't go into a huge explanation why but this will help. The gist of it is that vertices are processed in something like a water pipe. Data can only flow in one direction. You can change it as it flows from one process to another but you can't reverse the flow. (there are ways around this but they're painful and I'm not going to go into them)
So we can't apply velocity to a particle by simply adding to its position repeatedly. What can we do? If you remember your kinematic equations an object's position can be expressed in relation to time with the equasion Pt = P0+V*t
Getting the initial position (P0) of a particle to the GPU is easy since that's simply the vertex position for the point sprite. Getting the time and velocity to the GPU are fairly simple but generally require a bit more thought since this is where the particle systems can be made extremely fast and flexible at the same time. I'll leave that for next time however since this entry is already getting rather long.